So here is Day 1. I decided to change the method of this project because technically, it is just supposed to be pictures. BUT. I will do what I feel like doing, so I am going to write a little bit with each picture every day.
Today, Kelli's best friend, Jordan, came from South Carolina to visit. She arrived around lunch time and we immediately proceeded to do a puzzle (because who DOESN'T want to do a puzzle first thing off a plane?). Then, after some lunch (and homework for me :/ not so fun) Jordan decided to make a cake for Kelli's birthday...last month... on the 6th... So off they went to buy the things she would need. Little did I know this would lead to having to look at the most AMAZING cake I had ever seen without actually being able to eat a bite.
Why, might you ask? Kelli worked from 4-9. That was the LONGEST 5 hours of my life. So here we are, sitting in our living room, at 10:24pm, cake STILL untouched. Hmm... I am starting to think that writing this blog PRE cake eating was not the best choice I have ever made.
Let me explain to you about this cake a little. It is chocolate, and coffee. How does a cake get any better than the two best edible things in the world?! It doesn't. So now, as I have looked back on the first 24 hours of Day 1 of Project 365, I look forward, excited to see what this year will bring. Whatever it may hold, I wonder if it can stand up to the incredible chocolate coffee cake that it started with.
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