On the left is Emily. On the right, Ashley. They are very dear to my heart because we have gone through some pretty tough times together. This is not to say that if we hadn't, we wouldn't be this close, because we have had some pretty great experiences together as well. But I do have to say that those times where you need someone to lean on, to cry on, to yell with, or to throw a fit, they have been there and I know they will continue to be there. It's just that they are the kind of friends I know I will have forever. They don't know I am writing this blog about them and I am fairly certain that if they find out, I will be in trouble for posting that picture but it will be worth it.
Emily is one of those people that is so goofy that sometimes you think, Wow, do people judge me for hanging out with her? Haha, just kidding! She is pretty goofy but then again, who isn't? She knits things that are magical, she sings at the top of her lungs and dances with reckless abandon. She is beautiful, the kind of person you meet and think, I want to be friends with her so badly. She has a contagious laughter and a special way of using art to heal your soul. Peach.
Ashley is completely different from Emily in the way that she is more reserved but she has a wild side, don't even doubt that! She is hilarious and has the kind of sense of humor that you have to be listening closely to catch because it is so sly that you might miss it if you aren't paying attention. She encourages us to play games like inserting titles of movies into regular everyday conversations. When she's online you've got mail. Last year she visited Washington and she was sleepless in Seattle. She is a master of disguise but she has mona lisa smile. She lives under the tuscan sun and she knows what a girl wants. I'm done being ridiculous now. Annie Sullivan.
Both of these beautiful girls encourage me in my daily life just by being my friend. They have been there for me in some of the most difficult times of my life these last couple years and there is no way I could ever thank them. Circle Mountain. I love them and I would do anything for them and I hope they know that.
All you hear is...
mmm mmm m m m m m
Gonna button my lip
So the truth don't slip
mmm mmm m m m m m
Gotta beep out
What I really wanna shout
Woops Did I say it out loud
Did you find out
And if either of you ever read this (it means they both have read it) I love you very much and I am so blessed by having met you. I know we will be friends forever, old ladies, knitting, crocheting, and quoting movies till we die. Then, we'll pick up where we left off in heaven.
So incredibly blessed, it is hard to believe.
..••....••..••..•••......••..•••...•••.I think you should be able to read that. It's braille for I'm going to cry now thank you, but I have the biggest smile on my face! Love ya Helen!