Today's blog is about perseverance. I am having to make a really tough decision about school right now and I find myself wanting to give up, just quit, and allow my fears and failures to take over and control my actions. But someone, whom I consider to be quite wise, said something to me that made me stop and really think. I should provide you with some background, however.
The conversation was about whether or not I am staying at school this semester. It was implied that maybe all of my stress was not due to school, but other things as well. So this person suggested that maybe I seek the counsel of someone who is trained, educated, experienced in that field.
Of course, being the incredibly close-minded person I can be when the talk of therapy or counseling comes up I flat out said that it wouldn't help me feel better, and this is where the conversation turned to surprise me in a way that I wasn't really surprised that something that was said surprised me. Still with me?
This is what was said to me:
" Guess what? Feeling better isn't my intended outcome toward you. Trying to keep you from sabotaging yourself is my goal. It's a mean thing to say but I don't really care if you feel better. I don't feel better a lot of days. But I do care that you live up to your calling. That's HUGE to me."
This got me to thinking. Am I really considering leaving this semester in order to live up to my calling? Or am I using it as a way to hide behind the fact that what I feel my calling is kind of freaks me out? Is it a means to perseverance and success? Or is it a means to an end? You could argue either way, really, but at the end of the day, when the numbers have been crunched (or whatever...) did I really persevere through the rough spots, or did I run the other way and find an excuse to make it okay?
Today's picture is of a puzzle.

My roommate, Kelli, and I have worked hard on this puzzle for 4 days, which may not seem like a lot, but trust me, it was a LONG 4 days. With the help a select few, we persevered through this puzzle to obtain the outcome which, might I add, was totally worth it.
So, in this situation of my life, I allowed others to help me, and together we persevered through the obstacle. I know it seems stupid to compare my life to a puzzle, but there is a reason they call it a puzzle. It is confusing, difficult, a challenge one must overcome to feel that overwhelming sense of relief that comes with winning, coming out on top, being the best.
Maybe the trick is to ask that select few who can help you persevere through life. Who knows? I don't think anyone has figured it out quite yet. Why should I have to?
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